Purchasing Contracts: OMNIA Partners

Public and nonprofit agencies now have an easy way to procure cast metal grates and site furnishings.

A wide variety of public sector and nonprofit entities nationwide are eligible to utilize OMNIA Partners’ group purchasing contracts, including:

  • School Districts
  • Higher Ed
  • Cities
  • Counties
  • Local Government
  • State Agencies
  • Healthcare Organizations
  • Church/Religious
  • Nonprofit Corporations

OMNIA Partners works diligently to select vendors of the highest quality, performance and best value proposition. They offer a competitively bid “master” contract that can be used by public agencies at no cost, eliminating the need for a lengthy, complicated and costly RFP process.

Agencies interested in procuring Iron Age products through our OMNIA Partners contract can contact us directly. Those agencies who are not yet OMNIA Partners members can register for free here.